Welcome to our podcast—where we explore deep insights and practical wisdom for personal growth and transformation. Our goal is to empower and uplift the whole person—mind, body, and soul—through meaningful conversations and thought-provoking discussions. We dive into principles that inspire positive change, personal development, and a deeper understanding of life’s purpose through the lenses of scripture. If you’re looking for fresh perspectives and practical tools to navigate life with clarity and confidence, this podcast is for you! Tune in, and let’s grow together.

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Monday Jul 22, 2019
The Trappings of Fear
Monday Jul 22, 2019
Monday Jul 22, 2019
In the book of Numbers chapter 13:30-33, Moses is seen surrounded by 12 princes of Israel. He sent them to spy out the land that God promised them, but instead of them bringing back a positive report, 10 out of the 12 brought up an evil report. It took Joshua and Caleb, the only two with a different spirit, to still the people and to encourage them in the things of God. You and I will have seasons of life where fear will attempt to trap us, intimidate us, and arrest us. It will come to block us from moving forward, but in times like that, it is essential that we surround ourselves with those with a different spirit. Listen to this message and gain insight as to how you can take these few verses and apply them to your life to see the victory of God over every area where fear is trying to bind you.

Saturday Jul 20, 2019
Nineveh Type Prophets
Saturday Jul 20, 2019
Saturday Jul 20, 2019
There are seasons in our ministry work where we may disagree with an assignment that God has given us. Hopefully, most of us would continue to move on in obedience despite it all and do what God has called us to do. On the contrary, though, there are those who have tried to get away from it and get away with it, and things have not gone well as a result. This message looks at the Prophet Jonah, one who was called to preach repentance to Nineveh. Unable to put his personal feelings aside, he decided not to comply with God's will and he suffered tremendously as a result. Not only him, but those close to him were affected by his results as well. This message will enlighten you those of you who are prophetic that we won't always like what we're called to do, but God's work must be done nonetheless. Let this message bless you.

Friday Jul 19, 2019
Remember Lot's Wife
Friday Jul 19, 2019
Friday Jul 19, 2019
There will be many occasions where we will be tempted to return to things that God has delivered us from. Those things can be people, places, or things. It is essential that we remain led by the Spirit of God that we don't contaminate ourselves in the process of returning to that which God has deemed unfit. This message is saturated with scriptural examples of why God expects us to move forward. It also serves as a warning for going back. Let the message bless you.

Thursday Jul 18, 2019

Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
A Candid Discussion for Singles
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
How many singles are frustrated and losing faith in finding a suitable mate? This talk answers a series of fourteen questions submitted by single Christians and are answered in a mature and frank conversation. My husband joins me to share the unique male perspective that brings balance to what I believe can be the start of interesting dialogues about what preparedness really means in terms of getting married. This message contains adult content.

Monday Jul 15, 2019
Exploring Love and Reverence in Marriage
Monday Jul 15, 2019
Monday Jul 15, 2019
This message is based on Ephesians 5:33 as it was given to me this morning after coming out of a dream. I share the dream, the prophetic Revelation behind it, and the psychological, emotional, and mental damage disrespect can cause in a marriage. I invite you to listen with an open heart and hear what the Spirit of God is saying to the church.

Sunday Jul 14, 2019
The Meadow of Dancing: No Ministry, No Mantle
Sunday Jul 14, 2019
Sunday Jul 14, 2019
This is a preached message from 1 Kings 19:16-21 that explores Elisha's call and subsequent mantling from Elijah. The message explains the prophetic meaning of Elisha's background and how it factored into what God thought about his destiny as a prophet. A comprehensive prayer of repentance, deliverance, and healing follows. This message will bless your life.

Friday Jul 12, 2019
The Grown Little Boy
Friday Jul 12, 2019
Friday Jul 12, 2019
As a young boy, Moses experienced trauma. From being surrounded by the grief-stricken screams of mothers losing their babies to a murdering spirit to being thrust hastily in a basket and set to float on the Nile River. He went from a warm and loving atmosphere to residing in a cold, idolatrous castle that belonged to the enemies of his people. Moses lived a life that denied him a genuine community. And just when he found out who he really was, his emotions triggered in anger, and the orphaned, yet destined prophet became a murderer.
Moses’ story is not unlike many of ours. Many of us can relate to dealing with childhood trauma that followed us into adulthood. We have been triggered in areas that we’ve managed to mask for years only to have them affect our ability to maintain relationships, to serve faithfully in the work of ministry, and to maintain gainful employment, among other things.
There is hope for us. God didn’t leave Moses alone. He made a way for Moses to receive the healing, validation, and sense of community that he needed to develop the leader that burrowed within him, that one that was hidden behind the scars of a traumatic childhood. This message is a real one that unearths what many of us have tried to conceal. It will reveal how destructive triggers are and make a strong case for why we need to confront and overcome them. Listen and be blessed.

Thursday Jul 11, 2019
The Prophetic Revelation Behind the Ram in the Bush
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
“I know God’s got a ram in the bush for me!” How many times have we heard or even said that? And while that may be a true statement, it is a loaded one. In fact, it is so loaded, that it carries at least three Godly principles that precede your ram’s release. In Genesis 22, Abraham was faced with a challenging act of obedience. God wanted the most dearest and most closest thing to his heart, his cherished and long-awaited son, Isaac. Pay close attention to what happens next. Abraham obeys, Abraham uses wisdom to prevent any delay in obeying God, Abraham prophesied in faith that he and Isaac would return from the mountain, and then Abraham committed the act. These are the processes which led to the ram’s release. It wasn’t until AFTER Abraham was caught in the act, that Heaven reacted. How many times have we expected Heaven to move when earth hasn’t prepared a place for such a move.
This message unlocks out some powerful pointers in what your ram is, what it means for you beyond the act of obedience, and the real meaning of Jehovah Jireh!! Prepare to be enlightened. You may need your notebook for this one. Listen and be blessed.

Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Warfare of the Fathers
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
God made a promise to King David that his son, Solomon, would not only inherit the throne but would also enjoy a reign of uninterrupted peace. Like all prophetic words, this one was contingent upon David’s obedience and his acceptance and willingness to confront every enemy that would pose a threat to his son’s future kingdom. David was a man of war, yes, He was God’s man of battle, but David also faced battles of his own. David faced distressing emotions, episodes of manic depression, rejection in his family, betrayal in his camp, and so many other battles against his destiny, yet he overcame each and every one.