Welcome to our podcast—where we explore deep insights and practical wisdom for personal growth and transformation. Our goal is to empower and uplift the whole person—mind, body, and soul—through meaningful conversations and thought-provoking discussions. We dive into principles that inspire positive change, personal development, and a deeper understanding of life’s purpose through the lenses of scripture. If you’re looking for fresh perspectives and practical tools to navigate life with clarity and confidence, this podcast is for you! Tune in, and let’s grow together.

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Tuesday Feb 25, 2025
The Heartbreaking Distance: A Grandmother's Struggle
Tuesday Feb 25, 2025
Tuesday Feb 25, 2025
This episode delves into the emotional journey of a devoted grandmother who is facing the heartbreak of being distanced from her young grandchildren. With the grandmother seeking guidance, we explore the intricate family dynamics involving her son, his girlfriend, and the young children they share. Through faith, prayer, and introspection, the grandmother navigates this challenging situation to find healing, understanding, and potential reconciliation within her family. Join us as we discuss forgiveness, the power of perspective, and the path to opening hearts and rebuilding cherished relationships.

Sunday Jul 07, 2024
Elevation Without Confrontation: Honoring Your Spiritual Journey
Sunday Jul 07, 2024
Sunday Jul 07, 2024
Welcome back to Soteria Prophetic Ministries! In this episode, we delve into the profound theme of "Elevation Without Confrontation." Reflecting on a powerful worship experience, we discuss how God elevates individuals without the need for conflict.
We explore biblical examples, such as the anointing of David and Saul, emphasizing the importance of public validation and honoring those who have poured into our lives. Whether you're a leader or a member, understanding the significance of decency and order in transitions is crucial.
Through personal stories and scriptural insights, we highlight the value of gratitude, integrity, and maintaining peace in the body of Christ. Join us as we encourage you to honor your spiritual roots and navigate transitions with a spirit of love and respect.
If this message has blessed you, consider supporting Soteria Prophetic Ministries through Cash App at #TLCCharlotte or here. God bless you!

Saturday Jul 06, 2024
The Power of Pausing: Learning from Jesus' Example
Saturday Jul 06, 2024
Saturday Jul 06, 2024
Grace and peace, everybody. Welcome back to Soteriah Prophetic Ministries. Today, we explore the profound lesson of pausing to process, as demonstrated by Jesus. In moments of conflict, Jesus often took a moment to reflect before responding, showcasing emotional intelligence and spiritual maturity.
Drawing from the story of the woman caught in adultery, we see how Jesus' deliberate pause allowed Him to provide a wise and compassionate response. This episode delves into the importance of taking time to think, pray, and seek clarity before making decisions or offering counsel.
We also discuss the value of critical thinking and the necessity of stepping back to avoid hasty reactions that can lead to regret. By looking at biblical examples like Ezekiel and Jeremiah, we learn the significance of evaluating situations thoroughly before responding.
Join us as we uncover the wisdom in pausing to process and how it can lead to more thoughtful, impactful decisions in our daily lives and leadership roles. And consider becoming a partner by contributing to the ministry.

Friday Jul 05, 2024
Understanding Witchcraft: Biblical Insights and Protection for Believers
Friday Jul 05, 2024
Friday Jul 05, 2024
Grace and peace. God bless you. This is Soteria Prophetic Ministries. In this episode, we delve into the topic of witchcraft and its impact on believers. Many Christians feel they are under attack or cursed, and this message aims to address those concerns with biblical understanding.
We start by examining Proverbs 26:2, which teaches that a curse does not come without a cause. As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we cannot be cursed by witches. Our spiritual authority changes when we accept Jesus as our Lord, making it impossible for the enemy to curse us without cause.
The episode explains what a curse is and discusses the concept of 'charismatic witches' in the church. These individuals, who may have once walked with the Lord, open themselves up to evil spirits by breaking fellowship. We emphasize the importance of maintaining deliverance and the role of a strong spiritual community in this process.
We also explore biblical examples, such as Balaam and Balak, and discuss how curses can manifest through sin and disobedience. The importance of discernment and being cautious about who we allow into our lives is highlighted, along with the need to guard against both intentional and unintentional harm from others.
Finally, we encourage believers to remain strong in their faith, maintain a disciplined prayer life, and seek God's wisdom and guidance. We are reminded that, as children of God, we have the power to overcome any attacks and should not live in fear of witchcraft.
Join us in this enlightening and empowering discussion, and remember to share this message with others. If you feel led to support our ministry, please consider partnering with us financially. Visit us online and join our team of financial supporters. God bless.

Thursday Jul 04, 2024
Navigating Grief: Supportive Guidelines for Loved Ones in Crisis
Thursday Jul 04, 2024
Thursday Jul 04, 2024
Grace and peace to you. Welcome back to Soteria Prophetic Ministries. In this episode, we delve into how to support our loved ones during a season of trauma, reflecting on personal experiences and biblical guidance.
We explore the importance of preparing for crises before they strike, using the story of King Asa to emphasize building spiritual strength during peaceful times. Additionally, we discuss the significance of mental health preservation during grief, sharing personal anecdotes and practical advice.
The episode also highlights the concept of emotional templates and their impact on our responses to both positive and negative experiences. We draw connections to the story of Job and the importance of allowing individuals to express their grief fully.
Finally, we encourage a compassionate approach to supporting those in mourning, advocating for validation of their pain and emotional responses. Join us as we learn to mirror the feelings of those who are hurting and offer genuine support during their time of need.

Tuesday Jun 11, 2024
The Danger of an Attention-Seeking Spirit
Tuesday Jun 11, 2024
Tuesday Jun 11, 2024
Welcome back to Soteria Prophetic Ministries! In this episode, we delve into the attention-seeking spirit, drawing lessons from the story of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1-11. This married couple sought recognition within the early church through deceit, leading to dire consequences.
We explore how their actions reveal the perils of seeking acknowledgment and the importance of honesty in our spiritual and everyday lives. Learn about the significance of pure motives, the dangers of hypocrisy, and the need for accountability. Reflect on the importance of seeking God's approval over man's and the wisdom the Holy Spirit provides in discerning deceitful behaviors.
Join us as we uncover the lessons from this sobering biblical account and understand how to walk in integrity and truth, ensuring our actions align with God's will.

Saturday Jun 08, 2024
Five Signs of Your Calling as a Minister of the Lord Jesus Christ
Saturday Jun 08, 2024
Saturday Jun 08, 2024
God bless you, grace and peace. Welcome back to Soteria Prophetic Ministries. In this episode, we explore the evidence of your call as a minister of the Lord Jesus Christ through five key signs.
First, we discuss the importance of being sent and the burden to see souls saved. Drawing from Matthew 1:21, we highlight the significance of being mantled with the mission to preach the gospel and minister salvation. This calling drives you to share the Word of God and testify of His goodness.
Next, we delve into the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, which sets you apart in your ministry. Based on Mark 1:22, we examine how true authority manifests in your prayers, preaching, and overall ministry, bringing signs, wonders, and divine confirmation.
The third sign is the anointing of the Holy Spirit, as outlined in Luke 4:18-19. This anointing empowers you to preach the gospel, heal the brokenhearted, and bring deliverance. We emphasize the multifaceted nature of this anointing and its role in your boldness and effectiveness as a minister.
We then explore the gift of prophecy, which allows you to hear and speak forth God's Word. Using the example of Jesus and the woman at the well, we illustrate how the spirit of prophecy can reveal hidden truths and bring healing to those you minister to.
Finally, we discuss the evangelistic mantle that accompanies your calling. This burden to see people saved and draw them to Christ is a hallmark of your ministry. We encourage you to use every opportunity and platform to minister and lead others to salvation.
We pray that this message has been a blessing to you and look forward to sharing more insights at the next appointed time.

Thursday Jun 06, 2024
The Power of Appointing the Right Leaders
Thursday Jun 06, 2024
Thursday Jun 06, 2024
Grace and peace. God bless you. It has been such a long time since I've had the opportunity to speak to you all and just share what is on the heart, on the Lord's heart for His people. I am done with grad school, praise the Lord, so I can now turn my attention to the ministering of the Word. Amen. I'm so grateful.
On my heart tonight, as I was pondering and meditating in the Holy Scriptures, I want to share with you something I read out of Acts chapter 6, verses 1 through 7. I'm not going to read it in its entirety, but that's where I'm coming from. It talks about the early church when there was dissension among the widows. As the church grew and disciples multiplied, there arose contention between the Greek and Hebrew widows, who felt neglected.
The apostles recognized that they could not neglect the Word of God to serve tables. They decided to appoint seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, to oversee this business. This decision pleased the multitude, and they chose Stephen and others, whom the apostles laid hands on and prayed for.
This story highlights the importance of church leaders remaining focused on studying and ministering the Word, and being in prayer. When leaders are in a position to hear God and make good decisions, they can raise up and release the next set of leaders effectively. The appointed leaders must possess honesty, be filled with the Holy Spirit, and operate in wisdom.
Think about the decisions you've made in your personal life, business, or ministry. Have you appointed people who lack honesty, wisdom, or the Holy Spirit? The fallout from such decisions can lead to wounded people and division. It's crucial to pay attention to who is being appointed and why, ensuring they meet the qualifications of honesty, filled with the Holy Spirit, and wisdom.
When these attributes are present, it brings security, comfort, and confidence to the people, knowing they can trust those appointed leaders. Misalignment in these areas can lead to issues and challenges, but when we operate in the fullness of the Holy Spirit, we align with God's vision.
In summary, as your ministry grows, appointing the right people is essential to avoid neglect and ensure the work of God is done effectively. I pray this exhortation has been a blessing and has prompted you to reflect on your appointments and service. God bless.

Thursday Jan 04, 2024
God’s Professional Conversations
Thursday Jan 04, 2024
Thursday Jan 04, 2024
In education, there are times, when a principal schedules time for a professional conversation with their staff. In my homework studies, I was reading one of my textbooks, and received revelation about professional conversations, that which God structures and ordains to have with us. These conversations will speak to any aspect of our lives where we need critical feedback, conducive for spiritual growth. Let this message speak to you and then position your spirit for your next professional conversation with the Father.

Thursday Dec 28, 2023
Forgive the Ones Who Gave Up On You
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
As we count down 2023, and reflect on all God has done, it is not unusual to also reflect on some of our failed human relationships. I’m gonna share one of my reflections with you and pray that the revelation God gave me will be a blessing to you. And check out my new website and my three latest books! http://www.libertyriverind.com/#/